Home Seminars, Events & CPD Training CPD seminar- MEET THE HIP REPLACEMENT TEAM

CPD seminar- Meet with the hip replacement team

Date:  24th August 2019

Time: from 3:30 PM to 9:00 PM

Venue: Studio One Hotel, Studio City

Audience: Companion Animal Segment - Vets and Nurses

Price: AED 100

About our speaker

Dr. Prof. Bruno Peirone


• Full Professor of Orthopaedics, School of Veterinary Medicine University of Turin 

• Director of the post-graduated school of Veterinary Surgery in Small Animals 

• Director of the Clinical Department of the School of Veterinary Medicine University of Turin Titles: Ph.D. in Veterinary Sciences 


Main Fields of Interest 

▪ Fracture treatment (ORIF, ESF, CESF, MIPO techniques) 

• Limb deformity correction through CEF and ORIF in dogs 

• Joint Surgery, Hip replacement 



▪ Author of 52 papers published on International and Italian journals 

▪ Author of 62 abstracts presented at International and National Congress Scientific Societies SCIVAC (Italian Veterinary Society of Companion Animals) 



▪ Member of the Board of Directors since 2008 up to now 

▪ Director of the Continuing Education Program in Orthopaedics and Traumatology since 2006 uo to now 


ESVOT Position 

▪ Treasurer since 2012 up to 2018 

▪ Vice President on 2019 


AOVET Positions 

▪ Chair of the Educational Commitee from 2006 to 2010 

▪ Member of the International Board since 2006 up to 2018 

▪ Chair of Europe Region from 2010 to 2018



Dr. Lisa Adele Piras

Born in Cuneo, 10th March 1980, graduated at the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Turin on 26 April 2005. Graduation thesis on “Use of the Ilizarov’s technique for fracture treatment in the dog and cat”; under the supervision of Prof. Bruno Peirone. Professional Licence (Board Examination) at the University of Turin, November 2005 

Voluntary collaborator at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of University of Turin from April 2005 to April 2006. Awarded research grant by Piedmont Region Council from March 2006 to September 2006, topic “Use of pre-operative and intra-operative skeletal traction in veterinary traumatology and orthopaedics”. 

Assistent of Prof.Peirone in surgery from 2006. 

Assistent of Prof.Buracco in surgery from 2009.



Assistant of Professor Bruno Peirone in clinical and surgical small animal orthopaedics and traumatology. Student tutor for the layout of their graduation thesis. 

Teaching experience (seminars and practical activities) dedicated to the students of the forth and fifth years of the Course of Veterinary Medicine for a total of 30 hours per year.



1. Member of SICV (Italian Society of Veterinary Surgery) from 2010 

2. Member of SISVet, Società Italiana Scienze Veterinarie (Italian Society of Veterinary Science) from 2008 

3. Member of SCIVAC, Società Culturale Italiana Veterinari Animali da Compagnia (Italian Cultural Society of Companion Animal Veterinary) from 2005 4. Member of S.I.O.Vet, Italian Society of Veterinary Orthopaedics from 2005



1. Peirone B, Cappellari F, Panichi E, Piras LA: “Nonunions in dogs”, Veterinaria , anno 21, n°6, pagg 9-21.Dicembre 2007. 

2. Traduction of “Atlante di chirurgia ortopedica traumatologica dei piccoli animali”. French J, Lopez C. Ed. Elsavier Masson 

3. Piras LA, Cappellari F, Peirone B, Ferretti A: “ Treatment of distal radius and ulna fractures in toy breed dogs with circular external skeletal fixation: a retrospective study”. VCOT 24 (3), 228-235, 2011 

4. Piras La, Peirone B, Fox DB: "Effects of ante brachial torsion on the measurement of angulation in the frontal plane: a cadaveric radiographic analysis". VCOT 25(2), 89-94, 2012. 

5. Marmotti A, Bruzzone M, Bonasia DE, Castoldi F, Rossi R, Piras L, Maiello A, Realmuto C, Peretti GM. “One-step osteochondral repair with cartilage fragments in a composite scaffold". Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. Feb 2012. 

6. Piras LA, Olimpo M, Peirone B. “Studio radiografico nei pazienti affetti da lussazione di rotula”. Summa.Speciale Ortopedia July 2012 

7. Piras LA, Olimpo M, Peirone B. “Il trattamento della lussazione di rotula: tecniche tradizionali”. Summa.Speciale Ortopedia July 2012 

8. Piras LA, DeFleurian T, Peirone B. “Il trattamento della lussazione di rotula: osteotomie correttive”. Summa.Speciale Ortopedia July 2012 

9. Peirone B, Boero A, Rovesti G, Piras LA. “Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis fracture reduction techniques in small animals.” Vet Clin North Am Small Pract 42(5), 873-895, 2012


Presented by Dr. Prof. Bruno Peirone and Dr. Lisa Adele Piras

This seminar will provide a theoretical approach to the hip replacement surgery for small companion animals. 

Seminar Topics;

• How to identify the orthopedic pain and make owner understand that their dog is painful.

• Early diagnosis of hip dysplasia.

• Patient selection for Total Hip Replacement Patient preparation for surgery and OR set-up.

• THR : A versatile procedure for hip pathologies.

• Post-op phase: What is important to know about
